Swimming is a water sport that helps you exercise, relax, and immerse yourself in cool water. And if you have ever tried doing water cardio, you will feel that swimming consumes more energy than other sports: cycling, jogging,... So do you know how many calories swimming burns ? ? To get the exact answer, let's find out in detail with doboinam.vn through the analysis below.
Swimming movements are one of the best sports. Swimming regularly does not help lose weight, burn excess fat, and improve overall health. And in particular, swimming is a low-impact sport, and a great choice to help recover and prevent injuries.
The reason swimming brings such positive benefits: Every stroke, kick or sprint. These movements are opposing the resistance of the water flow. This will strengthen muscles and help burn more calories. And when the body burns calories, it helps muscles become firmer.
Swimming helps improve body shape, exercise good health and flexibility
Calories burned are due to many different factors, the amount of calories burned varies. Before answering the question: how many calories does swimming burn ? You need to understand what factors affect the number of calories burned.
For men with a fat physique, heavier men will consume more calories than lighter men. Because to be able to move the body weighs more while consuming more energy. A larger body shape will create more surface area in the water which will cause greater resistance. When there is more resistance, more energy is needed to overcome the resistance, the heart rate increases, and more calories are consumed.
Body shape affects the number of calories burned while swimming
One of the factors that leads to calorie burning is swimming speed. The faster you swim, the more energy you expend and the more calories you burn. Furthermore, combining additional swimming equipment and tools: buoys, parachutes, duck arms and bands to increase resistance or increase traction will consume a large amount of energy and burn a large number of calories.
One of the most difficult swimming styles, requiring high technique, is butterfly swimming. This is the reason why this swimming style burns the highest number of calories. When performing butterfly swimming movements, the legs need to kick like a dolphin, and the arms should stretch above the head, requiring the whole body to coordinate.
Next is the freestyle swimming style that burns a lot of calories while swimming. Every time you swim, you need to combine arm strokes and foot kicks. This clever combination results in great calorie burn.
The next ranking is breaststroke and backstroke, which have similar calorie consumption results. This swimming style is slow, but if you do it correctly, it will burn a large amount of calories.
How many calories does swimming burn? Depending on each influencing factor, swimming styles are different
Through the above analysis, we have helped you answer: how many calories does swimming burn ?. Depending on different swimming styles, body shape, physical strength, swimming time, swimming speed, the amount of calories consumed is different. In addition, depending on your swimming purpose, you will choose the most suitable swimming style. Swimming regularly and practicing hard will help you have good health, flexibility, and conquer all challenges.